The madness of love
is a blessed fate;
and if we understood this
we would seek no other:
it brings into unity
what was divided,
and this is the truth:
bitterness it makes sweet,
it makes the stranger a neighbor,
and what was lowly it raises on high.
~ Hadewijch of Antwerp, 13th century mystic and poet
Love is amazing and has a way of turning everything upside down at times. The weak become the strong, the broken become whole, courage is given to the meek and boundaries shatter as love unites those who were once divided. Instead of seeing the worldly differences in others we start to recognize Christ in the eyes of strangers who are just brothers and sisters we have not formally met yet. When God's love permeates our souls, reaching to their furthest corners, stereotypes, bitterness and labels no longer have room in them and what is left is compassion and peace.
Our God's love is amazing!
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your infinite and pure love. For teaching our hearts compassion and empathy. Help our illusions and attachments fade into obscurity as we no longer cling to them but focus exclusively on your love. Help us to spread love and light to those around us. Help us bring love and laughter, joy and truth into our homes, into our conversations with those who we meet, both old acquaintances and new. May we never cease to bring you glory. May we seek your Love above all others and may it transform us more and more into the likeness of Christ.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.