Welcome: An Introduction

Sharing the insights I discover as I explore and experience the mystery that is our reality. Join me in my journey and share yours.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

OM (Final poem for NaPoWriMo)

I'm not even sure what day it is in the challenge anymore. I feel like a complete poetry dropout! I figure I will give this one last chance and post a poem I wrote tonight. I give much credit to all of my fellow bloggers who have managed to keep themselves on schedule during this challenge...That was no easy feat! I look forward to reading all of your recent poetry.

Even though my participation in this challenge has been quite minimal I have gained much from this experience. The most significant fruit that has been born through taking part in this endeavor is that which has been reborn: my desire and interest in writing poetry.   I've played around with writing poetry in the past but came to the rather abrupt decision quite some time ago that there was no point in continuing. That it simply wasn't practical. And frankly, that I wasn't very good at it anyways. I've learned that that really is an erroneous conclusion. Poetry is far from irrelevant or impractical as it often seeks to express the almost inexpressible in life. It causes us to see things from different perspectives and open ourselves up to wider realities. It helps us understand ourselves, others and the world more. Few things could be more valuable than that!

This will be my last poem for the challenge. Thank you everyone who has stopped by to read and leave comments. Tomorrow my blog will resume to its more usual content and I look forward to hearing hopefully all of your thoughts regarding my next post.

~ Blessings


A thousand sighs cannot express
This helpless feeling of brokenness.
Oh Love that stings but no less equips

Give me strength to draw back anger's ships.
Hold these thoughts so very fierce,
Stay the arrow that threatens to pierce
This heart so heavy, sluggish, tired,
This soul needing to be God-inspired.
Flood my bones with joy's true flight.

Employ a thousand waves of light,
Until my parched throat no longer aches,
Until my soul no longer breaks.
Whole again as I've always stood
Now realizing what I always should.
That which is behind sorrow, behind pain,

When all dissipates even the shame,
Left naked and bare at center's core,
Is God; I am no more.
Peace is found when we are zero-
Illusions slain by love's eternal arrow.
I know then that I was never truly broken
For I am one with the first syllable ever spoken.

Thoughts? I'd love to hear them! Please leave them in the comments section. Thank you!


  1. Speechless. I hope you know what I mean by that.

    1. I do...:) Thank you Anni so much for your beautiful and encouraging comment on the group's board as well as leaving this one here. Many blessings.

  2. This is a perfect poem expressing Cosmic unity, Jessica.

    1. Thank you JR...It's great to be understood...and you have truly understood this poem. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. What a lovely piece for hope. Thats what we all need.

    1. Hope is a beautiful thing. :) Thanks for stopping by ellie!

  4. "Draw back anger's ships" ! Love that line.

    You went out with a bang! Hope you keep posting poetry once in a while. You are gifted.

    1. Thank you so much Tim. I really appreciate your words. Coming from a poet, they mean a lot. This is an area where I definitely will continue to pursue.
      ~many blessings

  5. Simply amazing, Jessica! I love the "first syllable ever spoken" concept of the "om".
    I hope you will keep on writing poetry - you certainly have a gift for it.

    1. Thank you so much Martha! I'm not sure I'd say I'm gifted or anything but I have enjoyed writing poetry and it's been a great way for me to release some thoughts and energy. :)
      ~ many blessings

  6. I love your introduction and am so happy that you have renewed your interest in poetry. You really touched a nerve in me saying that while poetry isn't "practical" it is necessary. Your beautiful poem more than makes the point; we need to hear your voice and your message. I'm really enjoyed your NaPoWriMo poems. Thanks so much for sharing them with us! <3

    My favorite lines (breathtaking):

    When all dissipates even the shame,
    Left naked and bare at center's core,
    Is God; I am no more.

    1. Thank you Adriene! I wasn't meaning to offend those who write...I've always enjoyed reading other's poetry but didn't see much in the point of writing any myself. I've had a change of mind during all of this. It's a great way to express ideas, feelings..etc. that I ordinarily wouldn't have another way of expressing.

      Glad you enjoyed this poem and those lines in particular. :)

      ~ blessings

  7. Jessica, you have a real flow with poetry. I love how you traveled through to the lovely conclusion. You took us with you each step of the way, down familiar paths that we have all traveled, and then at last coming to the end where a great gift is waiting. I loved it my dear!!

    1. Thank you so much Leah! It's always a joy to have you along for the journey. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

  8. Such a wonderful expression of Om, Jessica. It's the sound that reaches deep within and you have done just that with this poem. ♥

  9. Dear Jessica,
    Your words are deep, touching and yes, beautiful. Very impressive!!

    1. Thank you so much Andy! I am so glad you enjoyed it!

  10. What a way to end your NaPoWriMo journey! This is one of those poems that is accessible to us all. We've all felt the heartbreak that had us "Left naked and bare at center's core" and only then to we realize that at our core is God and even when we are broken, he is still there as strong as ever. That's when we know we can build again. Thank you for sharing such a deeply expressive poem! Keep writing! It's one of the most precious gifts you can give yourself!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. And your reflections are spot on! Amen! :)

  11. Your final poem is like the grand finale at a fireworks show. Then, in the final lines, you have found the silence at the core. I'm left in the moment after the last firework has blossomed, the last sparks have fallen, and there is wonder in the silence. Hope you'll keep writing poetry.

    1. That was beautiful Chris...Thank you so much for sharing your reflections. I am glad you enjoyed it! ~ many blessings

  12. Such a wonderful poem! No,no, its a great prayer and while reading it I involuntarily folded my hands and bowed my head in reverence to that omnipotent One who supplied these powerful words to you! I bow in reverence to your poetic prowess too!

    1. Thank you so much Autumn...and praise be to the source of all Being, Who inspires who causes love to blossom.
      ~ blessings

  13. Jessica, what a lovely poem. I often feel like you did, that there's no use in writing poetry and I'm just not good at it. But, poetry is like an incurable infection. It keeps growing inside and we must pay attention to it.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

    1. "But, poetry is like an incurable infection." So true...Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  14. "I know then that I was never truly broken
    For I am one with the first syllable ever spoken.

    That sent chills of awe up my spine and filled me with joy! Wonderful poem, Jessica!

    1. Thank you so much Steve...I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ~ namaste

  15. I love your honesty in your intro. Poetry will always be relevant and those who seek it shall always find it. You did that beautifully this month. This poem is indicative of why you should continue on your poetic quest. Lovely lines. It was a joy reading you this April!

    1. Thank you Tameka so much for your kind words. I've really enjoyed reading your poetry this month...though I've been reading it before this month and have always loved it!
      ~ Blessings

  16. I love your intro too! Poetry really does help people express things and understand things.

    Love this poem!! :-)

  17. The essence of your words vibrate deep within.... OM is universal and you have done this beautifully.... Thank you

  18. Of the poems you wrote, I guess I like this the best. I have enjoyed your poetry and have read your status updates afterwards... first things first and I'm so proud that you have participated in this blog.

    You have written this with such depth. I could feel the ache and different emotions you felt here. It's so human, so vulnerable and so sincere. Every poetry you composed is a prayer, a psalm, a mantra, a chant, music to me. It fills my soul with wonder.

    Your works are precious Jessica just as you are.

    And this challenge brings you to a greater revelation of yourself before God.

  19. How utterly beautiful...I love the image of "anger's ships," it give the impression that anger is always shoring up against us, trying to get in. This whole poem touched my soul -- you are truly a gifted poet, Jessica.

  20. I love OM, it's my Dad's name :)Your poem is so beautiful and pure like OM. Loved the verses and especially the last two lines.


  21. This is beautiful indeed. The universal sound, the music of the spheres. I have enjoyed this poetry challenge on several blogs. As someone who is not a poet (!) it is especially fun for me to enjoy words used in such a different way.

  22. Rhyming frightens me, I am full of admiration for people brave enough to rhyme.
