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Sharing the insights I discover as I explore and experience the mystery that is our reality. Join me in my journey and share yours.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crabgrass and Oak Trees: Read the 3rd Chapter for Free!

I was sent a book for the purpose of writing a review and I'd like to share its third chapter, which is free, with all of you. The title of the book is  Crabgrass & Oak Trees  by Jonathan Almanzar and Aaron Havens. I am not yet finished with it so I will hold most of my commentary and opinions  until I write my review.  I have to say though that I am already impressed and touched by the ideas the book presents. It makes one question, reflect and stretch one's views when meditating upon the meaning of "the Church". 

Crabgrass and Oak Trees

The back of the cover asks these questions: What would you draw if you were given a crayon and asked to draw a picture of the Church? What creative words would you use to describe the beauty of the Church?

At first when I read the title of the book I automatically felt attracted towards giving the image of the church over to that of the oak tree but for every page turned I see the inherent wisdom there is in the metaphor the authors use towards aligning their perspectives with that of the crabgrass.

Come and join me, even if it's for just a chapter...I'd love to hear your thoughts on Chapter 3 and I look forward to writing a review of this profound book that I feel has the capacity to effect the hearts and minds of many and bring glory to God as His Kingdom is advanced with unparalled zeal here on earth.

As I read it I will be sharing short excerpts that stand out to me and stay tuned...because I'm also going to have the chance to interview one of the authors!

Here's the link, hope you take advantage and enjoy! :) http://rhizomepublishing.com/free-chapter/


  1. Jessica, I read chapter 3, and now look forward to reading the entire book. Love that old man who exemplifies what a Christ follower should look like.

    I also wanted to say that I left you a comment on the previous post on how dreams saved Jesus.
    God does still speak in dreams, this I know:)

  2. Thanks so much Debra! I wish we lived closer, I'd lend the book to you when I'm finished!

    Interestingly enough I had a similiar experience as that couple..not my wedding night..but I remember one time my car had broken down and it was going to take about two weeks to get it fixed. A friend from church had found me stranded when I had broken down and let me use her AAA to get it towed, she then told her father about it who drove his second car to the mechanics while my broken one was being unloaded. He told me to use his car for as long as I needed until I got mine repaired.

    I was amazed...I was a new friend to his daughter and I hadn't even met him until that moment! I knew him at that moment to be a very sincere follower of Christ and it touched me at the grace and love he displayed to a stranger. I love the story of the old man in chapter three and it reminds me of that experience I had with my friend's father. It also inspired me to do the same thing in the future if ever I am blessed enough to have the opportunity. Love is contagious! :)

    I look forward to checking out your comment in the previous post. Thank you :)

