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Sharing the insights I discover as I explore and experience the mystery that is our reality. Join me in my journey and share yours.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Thursday Dedication: To a Blog I Make Sure I Never Miss!

Fellow blogger, Jessica B, (check out her blog http://findingonesway.com/ )  started a series that runs every Thursday in which bloggers dedicate a post to  someone whose blog we respect and read regularly. This is my first Thursday Dedication :)

For those of you who have also written a Thursday Dedication, be sure to leave your link in the comments section so everyone can check your post out!

My Thursday Dedication goes out to Mike Print's blog:  SHIBBOLETH: Thoughts on life and faith   http://mikegprint.wordpress.com/

I enjoy reading Mike's blog regularly for it always provides manna for the mind. Whether I'm reading one of his book reviews, which are always informative and skillfully written, or his thoughts on Christian life and theology, I find myself challenged and  inspired.  I always take some bit of knowledge or reflection to ponder  away with me that I hadn't had before I had begun reading and we all have to admit not every blog has that effect on its reader!

So check out his blog...and be sure to to leave a comment to let him know you stopped by :)


  1. Wow... thanks Jessica! I really appreciate your plug. Hopefully, I can return the favour, maybe I could add you to my recommended blog list (Blogroll)? Let me know if that's okay?

    Thanks again,


  2. Mike,

    The thoughtful writing and reflection that you write in your posts definitely deserve recognition, I'm glad I could play a small role in bringing it to other's attentions. If you want to add me, I'd be honored, but don't feel you have to ;)


  3. Jessica,
    Beautiful dedication I am going to check SHIBBOLETH out right now.
    Here is mine
    Thursday Dedication~~ Adventures in Estrogen

  4. That's so lovely, Thursday Dedication is awesome
